Strabismus, also sometimes called “lazy-eyed”, “cross-eyed” or “wall-eyed,” is a condition that occurs when a person cannot align both of their eyes on a single object at the same time under normal circumstances. According to experts, it is estimated that roughly five percent of all children have some degree of strabismus.
Movement of the affected eyes could either occur all the time (called “constant strabismus”) or under certain conditions like high stress or illness (called “intermittent strabismus”).
Children with strabismus will occasionally experience double vision as a result of the conflicting signals from their eyes. Eventually, their brains learn to disregard one of the eyes, but this does not affect the actual condition of the eye. Early treatment is strongly advised for children with strabismus because it is not a condition that children “grow out of”.
Some common treatments for strabismus include optical devices, vision and muscle therapy, and, as a last resort, surgery. For an in-depth consultation, schedule an appointment with our office as soon as possible.